Home Forums Science/Applications 3-5 port lids – dwg or stp files

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    Hi Harrison and all,

    Love the Chi.Bio system! – we are making extensive use of it. We are currently looking to modify the stl lid files we downloaded from the website in autodesk fusion 360, however we are finding it difficult to reduce the mesh size. we want to add an additional dip tube based on the existing dip tube but we are having difficulty creating faces for us to copy and move to the other inlet holes on the lid.

    Do you have some other file formats of the 3-5 port lids? perhaps .dwg or .stp. We figure it might be easier to modify these files and then create a .stl file for printing.



    If any one cares, i managed to convert from stl to .stp using autodesk fusion 360. I first generated face groups (accurate), then i converted the mesh (prsimatic).


    Hello, I have gone through and added .step versions of each file to the Hardware page. Let me know how you get on with that, hopefully step is the most cross-platform-accessible format so most people will be able to use it.


    Hi Harrison,

    Thank you for the step file, it worked a treat. I was able to create an additional dip tube pretty easily. for the reference of others, we used a 4mm extrusion with 5 degree ‘draft’ to approximate the existing dip tube inlet.


    Hi all,

    if you are interested, I adjusted the lid with 5 inputs and with two connections on the “inside” of the reactors. If someone is interested, I am happy to share them 🙂

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