Home Forums Software Fatal error using Putty

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    I’m trying to install the operating system for the first time, following the steps in the “Software Setup Guide V2.3”. So far, I’ve managed to put the OS on the SD card and install the Beaglebone and Putty drivers. However, when I try to access the Beaglebone using the IP address as described in item 1.2.4 of the manual, I encounter the following error: “PuTTY Fatal Error: Network Connection Timed Out”. I’ve tried to solve it in several ways through tutorials I found on the internet, but nothing has worked. One thing I noticed is that when I plug the control board in the PC, the lights flash momentarily and then become steadily lit. I presumed that once the lights stopped flashing, the device would be ready for Putty access. Is this correct?

    I would be extremely grateful if you could guide me on how to resolve this issue.


    Hi Gabi, that is a tough one, sounds like a Beaglebone error/USB error rather something from our Chi.Bio operating system itself.
    The fatal error often means the USB connection is not stable/was cut. Have you tried connecting it to a different PC and seeing if that solves it?


    Hello, Harrison.
    Unfortunately it doesn’t work. Anything else I can do?


    Just an update: I was able to make it work. It was indeed a cable problem. But I could only solve it when I changed the cable. The one that was purchased with the devide does not work at all.

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